Is it possible, did 2020 blow in a complete new existence for you or bring you to the realization- you are fed up of the daily grind? Thoughts creep in - like you´re going to be taken out by a microscopic virus or a monster asteroid and that’s just the joke versions. If any of these jokes (real or fictitious) events occur, wouldn’t you rather go out doing something that you love. Are you willing to sell everything you have, downsize or minimalize and start afresh. Or at least do these things in the spare time that life gives you? It’s a language older than words.
Is there something that we truly love doing? Is there any way on earth that we could find a way of making a living, doing that. Or do it as a hobby and relieve tension. These are the questions we need to ask ourselves and journal out an answer. Playfully play out a tune, an insight, an inspiration.........I´m a lumberjack and I´m ok, I work all night and I work all day. How many of us could write funny sketches, be a stunt man, a gardener, a chef, a lumberjack.
Is it time to stop playing it safe, secure, insured, moneyed up. Should we follow a more passionate route? Is it black or white, where we could completely give up the day job, shave our head and head to India. Or can we do it in stages. Might we start with hobbies. Whatever road you take, it doesn’t matter. The journey is the road, not the destination. We’re here to live and to die, to climb the peaks and travail the valleys. To love and to lose. We need to light that fire. We need to get inspired and to inspire others. We need to stop playing it safe, and find a passion, a purpose, a huge happiness, a bloody good old heartbeat that quickens. And we need to find all this fast. Time is running out.
The whole world needs to get onboard. There is no switch for that, no vaccine. It has to come from each individual. Then it spreads like wildfire to the masses. We all have positions on the ladder. We must move up one, to make space for the one behind. We must all evolve, get busy living or get busy dying.......it’s time to stop what you’re doing and do what you came here for.